Yokowo Co., Ltd.


Occupational Health & Safety(OH&S)

Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Policy of the Yokowo Group

The Yokowo Group (Yokowo Co., Ltd. and its group companies in Japan and overseas, the "Group") positions the health and safety of its employees (the "Employees"), which are important assets of the Group, as well as stakeholders in the Group's activities (the "Stakeholders"), such as cooperating firms and visitors to the premises, as the top priority issue of its management and will pursue a workplace where Employees and Stakeholders are able to work without undue concern and will strive to promote their mental and physical health by always securing their safety.

  1. The Group shall give first priority to the health and safety of Employees and Stakeholders and engage in ongoing activities by complying with laws and other requirements related to occupational health and safety.
  2. The Group shall build, maintain and make continuous improvements of an occupational health and safety management system.
  3. The Group shall identify the sources of hazards in the workplace, set targets based on assessments of OH&S risks and opportunities, make improvements to OH&S, mitigate risks and enhance activities, and make improvements to its management system.
  4. The Group shall strive to increase the understanding and awareness of Employees about occupational health and safety by providing the appropriate training to create a healthy and safe workplace environment.
  5. The Group shall engage in continuous improvement activities to achieve the objectives by documenting the OH&S Policy as well as making it known to all Employees and publishing it to Stakeholders.
  6. The Group shall strive to improve our OH&S performance by perticapation and consultation with our Employees.
  7. The Group shall promote fire and disaster prevention activities and maintain a safe workplace to protect the lives of those in the workplace as a top priority.

June 13, 2024
Takayuki Tokuma,
Representative Director, President and Executive Officer
Yokowo Co., Ltd.

Occupational Health and Safety Management Framework

Yokowo's Health and Safety Promotion Committee meets on a monthly basis. The Committee is headed by senior management and consisting of the OH&S managers and promoters of each department, who play a central role in practical health and safety activities.
In addition, the Committee holds monthly meetings to provide a venue for talks between its members, both from labor and management, with the participation of occupational physicians,
etc., as required by law.
In April 2022, the Occupational Health & Safety Section was established within the General Affairs Department to further expand measures that contribute towards OH&S, with a particular focus on promoting the activities of the various committees.

Occupational Health and Safety Management Framework


The Yokowo Group has set the following targets for fiscal 2030 and are promoting OH&S activities.

(Target) Number of industrial accidents resulting in lost workdays : 0
Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Included range
Work accident frequency*1 2.20 1.02 0.00 Non-consolidated
Number of serious accidents*2 cases 0 0 0 Consolidated
Number of industrial accidents resulting in lost workdays cases 3 2 0 Consolidated
  • *1. Work accident (accidents requiring work stoppage) frequency … The number of injuries and fatalities due to work-related accidents per million hours worked, which indicates the frequency of accidents.
  • *2. Number of serious accidents … The number of serious industrial accidents where death or residual disability remains.
(Target) Utilization of newly granted paid leave taken : 90%
Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Included range
Paid leave utilization rate 65.2 71.5 67.6 Non-consolidated

Major Initiatives

Elimination of Occupational Accidents and Traffic Accidents
Meetings of the Health and Safety Promotion Committee

Our Health and Safety Promotion Committee meets on a monthly basis to share information including the progress made in individual departments' OH&S action plans, the results of monthly OH&S inspections, and details of occupational accidents and the remedial measures taken, so as to realize continued improvement of OH&S activities.

OH&S Training

We provide annual OH&S training in the form of e-learning, aiming to maintain and improve employees' OH&S knowledge and skills.

Safe Driving Instructions

The majority of employees working at Tomioka Plant (Gunma Prefecture) commute by car. To prevent traffic accidents, we hold annual traffic safety training session, and executive members hold a quarterly campaign to encourage employees commuting by car to drive safely.

  • Safe Driving Instructions

  • Safe Driving Instructions

Creating Safe, Secure Workplaces
Risk Assessment Committee

We have set up a Risk Assessment Committee related to OH&S. If an occupational accident should occur, this committee objectively verifies the effectiveness of the response of the department where the accident happened, and holds discussions and confirms improvements to prevent any recurrence.

Promoting Good Health among Workers
Introduction of Consultation Services by Public Health Nurses and Mental Health Social Workers

YOKOWO FUTURE-ORIENTED SUPPORT CO., LTD., our subsidiary, has introduced consultation services provided by public health nurses and mental health social workers under contracts signed with them, so that employees can work with good physical and mental health. This system permits all Yokowo Group employees to feel free to seek not only health consultation and advice on lifestyle modification but also counseling on their mental health problems and stress.

Promotion of Vaccination

Each year, we give influenza vaccination to all employees who wish to receive it, so as to protect the health of employees. We also implemented a workplace COVID-19 vaccination program in cooperation with the government.

Introduction of Telecommuting

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we promptly introduced telecommuting as a measure to prevent infection, giving top priority to the health and safety of employees. Further, in 2020, we established rules on telecommuting, enhancing our initiatives.

Compliance with Laws and Requirements Related to OH&S
Initiatives on OH&S Management System

Reflecting the growing concern about OH&S, we have built an occupational health and safety management system under the Yokowo Group OH&S Policy and are advancing OH&S initiatives across the Group.

Overview of the ISO45001 Certification
Registered Organization
Authenticated Standards
  • ISO45001:2018
  • JIS Q 45001:2018
Certificate Registration No. JQA-OH0275
Certification Body Japan Quality Assurance Organization(JQA)
Registered Certification Scope

Design / Development, Manufacture and Sales of

  • Car Antenna and its component parts
  • Spring Connector and their component parts for A.V., Telephone and communication equipment
  • Contact Probe, Test Head and their component parts for Testing equipment of IC and LCD
  • Ceramic substrate and their component parts
  • Fine Component for Medical Device

Processing of parts for Spring Connector and Probe
Storage and Distribution Control of products
Temporary Staffing Service

Registered Organization
Authenticated Standards
  • GB/T 45001-2020
  • ISO45001:2018
Certificate Registration No. 01223S30613R2L
Certification Body CEPREI
Registered Certification Scope
  • Car Antenna and its component parts
  • Precision connector