Yokowo Co., Ltd.


Chemical Substance Management and Pollution Prevention

Basic Approach

In our Environmental Policy, we express our commitment to complying with all relevant environmental laws, regulations, and guidelines, as well as with each customer's specific guidelines. We have set the following as part of our Action Guidelines.
"In respect of chemical substances which are harmful to both the environment and human body, Yokowo will prevent environmental pollution by implementing preventive measures and action plan, which include those for the case of abnormal and emergency operation, and will minimize the use of hazardous chemical substances."
"Yokowo will comply with all relevant environmental laws, regulations, and each customer's specific requirements, and intend to enhance our environmental management by our original internal standards."

Management system

Yokowo is promoting Chemical substance under the following system.

Management system

As for chemical substances, we operate in accordance with the standards set in Japan, including those in other countries.


For chemical substances that are harmful to the environment or human body, we will execute preventive measures and an action plan, which include those for cases of abnormal and emergency operation, so as to prevent environmental pollution. At the same time, we will execute those measures and actions to reduce the use of harmful chemical substances to zero.


Managing chemical substances
Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Included range
Volume of use of PRTR substances kg 4,895 5,883 7,478 9,837 10,483 Consolidated
Volume of use of Volatile Organic Compound(VOC) kg 8,268 10,403 11,272 14,435 14,882 Consolidated
Volume of discharge of Volatile Organic Compound(VOC) kg 3,031 4,011 3,695 5,455 8,835 Consolidated
Volume of transportation of Volatile Organic Compound(VOC) % 63 61 67 62 41 Consolidated
Emissions of air polluting substances(NOx) kg 70 81 57 141 63 Consolidated
Emissions of air polluting substances(SOx) kg 2 3 2 5 2 Consolidated

Major Initiatives

At the Yokowo Group, we have established our Standards for Managing Harmful Chemical Substances (hereafter, the "Standards"). We have thus clarified the chemical substances to manage that are contained in parts, materials, and other components added to and used in products manufactured and sold by the Group. At the same time, we kept Group companies and our business partners fully informed of the Standards in our efforts to improve environmental quality.
Methods of managing chemical substances in the processes from acceptance to shipment of raw materials, parts, and others are set forth in the Standards.

With respect to the parts used in products, Yokowo places emphasis on information sharing with suppliers. With the use of inductively coupled plasma (ICP) analyzers and fluorescent X-ray analyzers, Yokowo performs strict inspections to supply products that meet the demand of car manufacturers and electrical equipment manufacturers for compliance with ever-changing chemicals regulations.

Management of Chemicals Contained in Products
Response to the REACH Regulation
To observe the duty to communicate information on substances of very high concern (SVHC) and the regulations on restricted substances, we obtain information about the presence of chemical substances via our business partners and manage that information.
Response to the RoHS Directive
We confirm that all delivered parts and materials conform to the RoHS Directive. We have also built an internal inspection framework.

Energy Dispersive Fluorescent X-ray Spectrometer
Energy Dispersive Fluorescent X-ray Spectrometer