Yokowo Co., Ltd.


Yokowo Group Human Rights Efforts

The Yokowo Group is driven by our Purpose to "Be a good company by employing people and technologies that work for the benefit of society today and tomorrow." While listening to the diverse voices of our colleagues and seeking guidance from around the world, we work together with our stakeholders, which include our employees and their families, our customers and business partners, and local communities. We envision a better and more prosperous future, aiming to take on the challenge of creating something new to achieve our goals.

The Yokowo Group Human Rights Policy ("this policy"), as a basis for our Purpose, sets forth our approach and responsibility to respect the human rights of stakeholders with whom we are involved through our business activities. This policy governs all other policies related to human rights within the Group and stands as a guiding principle of our continuous human rights efforts.

The Human Rights, Labor, and Ethics Management Committee implements this policy under the supervision of the Board of Directors.

Yokowo Group Human Rights Policy

1. Our Approach to Human Rights

We recognize that our business activities may have impacts on human rights either directly or indirectly through each process from the procurement of raw materials and resources for their products and services, facilities, and software to the sale, consumption, and disposal of products and services. We work to respect human rights throughout our value chain.

Scope of Application and Expectations for Business Partners

This policy applies to all officers and employees –including contract employees and temporary staff – of the Yokowo Group, which constitutes YOKOWO CO., LTD. and its consolidated subsidiaries. We also expect our business partners to understand and uphold the human rights standards and principles expressed in this policy.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations and Respect for International Norms

We respect human rights as set out in the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization (ILO)' s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We also support the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We comply with the laws and regulations in the countries and regions where we conduct our business activities. Where the laws and regulations of the country or region conflict with international norms, we will seek ways to honor the internationally-recognized human rights principles to the greatest extent possible.

2. Human Rights Due Diligence
Establishment of a Human Rights Due Diligence Process

In line with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we work to identify, prevent, and mitigate adverse human rights impacts through the establishment of a human rights due diligence process.

Dialogue with Stakeholders

We continuously engage in dialogue with both internal and external stakeholders to understand and seek to address potential or actual adverse human rights impacts resulting from our business activities.


We seek to remediate adverse human rights impacts through appropriate measures in cases where we identify that we have caused or contributed to such adverse impacts.

Grievance Mechanisms

We offer our employees communication channels through which they can anonymously consult or report their concerns. Upon receiving such communications, we seek to resolve the issue and take measures to prevent recurrence while consulting external experts as necessary. We also work to optimize our reporting channels and grievance mechanisms to understand and address stakeholders' concerns regarding human rights.

Training and Education

We continuously provide training for officers and employees to implement this policy.


We will disclose information on our human rights efforts as part of human rights due diligence.

3. Human Rights Issues Relevant to Our Business
Prohibition of Forced Labor

We do not tolerate any forms of forced labor including bonded labor or human trafficking.

Prohibition of Child Labor

We do not tolerate child labor by workers under the minimum age for employment. We also do not tolerate hazardous or night work performed by young workers under the age of 18.

Prohibition of Discrimination

We do not tolerate discrimination based on such grounds as race, gender, creed, religion, nationality, age, sexual orientation and gender identity, or disability.

Prohibition of Inhumane Treatment

We do not tolerate inhumane or degrading treatment including harassment or violence.

Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining

We comply with applicable laws and regulations of each country or region regarding freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining and promote the establishment of sound industrial relations and labor-management dialogue.

Working Hours and Wages

We comply with applicable laws and regulations of each country or region regarding working hours and wages, such as those relating to the appropriate management of working hours including overtime hours, granting holidays and leaves, and payment of wages at or above the legal minimum wage. We also seek to pay wages that allow employees and their families to maintain an adequate standard of living.

Occupational Health and Safety

We develop a comfortable work environment and ensure safety in the workplace, seeking to prevent industrial accidents and maintain workers' health.

Rights of Foreign Migrant Workers

We ensure appropriate working conditions and environment for foreign migrant workers and prohibit discriminatory treatment on the grounds of their nationalities.

Yokowo Group Human Rights Due Diligence Efforts

Human Rights Issues Management Structure

Based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Yokowo Group identifies, prevents and reduces the negative impact of its business activities on human rights, evaluates the effectiveness of its efforts and strengthens its system for explaining and disclosing information about how the Group has addressed human rights issues. The Human Rights, Labor Ethics Management Committee, which was established in 2022, plays a central role in important measures regarding human rights and ethics. It deliberates on these matters and works to build a human rights due diligence system and address individual human rights issues in cooperation with domestic and overseas subsidiaries and related divisions. 

Human Rights Issues Management Structure

Efforts to address Individual Human Rights Issues in Yokowo Group Human Rights Policy
Human Rights Issues
Relevant to Our Business
Prohibition of Forced Labor Conclusion of tri-partite contracts with sending and receiving organizations to prevent workers from paying fees
Prohibition of Child Labor Establishment of Child Labor Remedy Regulations
Enhancement of the age verification process
Prohibition of Discrimination Establishment of Contact for ethics and human rights concerns
Prohibition of Inhumane Treatment Furnished prayer rooms
Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining Collective bargaining agreements
Working Hours and Wages Review of the Rules of Employment (operation of an overtime management alert system)
Occupational Health and Safety Mandatory provision of safety equipment
Implementation of health tests and stress checks
Rights of Foreign Migrant Workers Implementation of contracts and wage statements in each mother language
Training Results regarding Human Rights Policy
  • Human Rights Issues Relevant to Our Business
  • Prohibition of Forced Labor
  • Prohibition of Child Labor
  • Prohibition of Discrimination
  • Prohibition of Inhumane Treatment
  • Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining
  • Working Hours and Wages
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Rights of Foreign Migrant Workers

Training attendance

Implementation Status of Human Rights Due Diligence Efforts
Headquarters Production sites Sale offices Coverage rate
Production facilities covered by due diligence 1 8 4 62%
Total facilities 1 8 12
Employee covered by due diligence 872 8,334 121 99%
Total employee 872 8,366 197
Yokowo Group's Human Rights Due Diligence
Establishment of a human rights due diligence system based on RBA Code of Conduct
Processing of Yokowo Group's Human Rights Due Diligence Measures FY2023 Results
Identification of risks Selection of material issues (based on the RBA Code of Conduct)
Implementation of SAQ
Formulation of a human rights policy
Implementation of questionnaires (human rights, labor practices and safety and health, 112 items)
Analysis and evaluation Aggregation and data analysis of SAQ answers
Comparison of risk values and prioritization of initiatives
Implementation of briefings on the aggregated human rights due diligence SAQ answers
Planning corrective actions
Implementing measures Provision of training for responsible persons including those at overseas locations
Establishment of rules
Selection of responsible persons, including at overseas locations
Creation and distribution of training materials
Disclosure Description on the Group's corporate website
Integrated Report
Description on the Group's corporate website
Integrated Report
Communication to suppliers Supplier briefings (The future plan)
Distribution of the Business Partner Code of Conduct Guidelines
FY2024 issues
Monitoring of suppliers Promotion of correction
On-site audits
Priority Initiatives Identified through Questionnaires (FY2024 issues)
Establishment of a system to enable the Group to adapt
Review of regulations to identify risks and formulate and implement corrective actions
Communication to supply chain
Implementation of briefings on the Code of Conduct for Business Transactions and guidebooks and the conducting of human rights due diligence using supplier SAQ
Establishment of grievance mechanism
Enhancement of the contact for ethics and human rights concerns
Promoting diversity
Multilingualization of internal documents and displays
Improvement of nursing room equipment
Guarantee of living wage
Guaranteeing a living wage in accordance with the WageIndicator standard