Yokowo Co., Ltd.


Environment Management

Basic Approach

The Yokowo Group recognizes that conducting business activities in harmony with the global environment is an essential responsibility for a corporation. The Yokowo Group continues to implement a range of Group-wide environmental preservation activities based upon defined environmental policies in order that we can pass on our irreplaceable global environment to future generations.

Environmental Policy

Today, when Japan and the rest of the world are starting to make a serious effort to realize carbon neutrality by 2050, Yokowo is living up to the needs that our stakeholders and society as a whole have in us by formulating more concrete measures in response to climate change,and working actively to implement them. From this point of view, we support the recommendations of Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and we implement specific initiatives to achieve the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from our plants (Scope 1 & 2) by 35% by FY2030, compared to FY2014 and promote specific climate-related information disclosure.

Yokowo is also committed to helping to create a rich natural environment. We seek to do this through our environmental management system and through activities designed to achieve continuous improvements in environmental performance. As part of our commitment, we take into consideration the environmental impact of our business activities and comply with all relevant environmental laws, regulations, and guidelines, as well as with each customer's specific guidelines.

Action Guidelines
  1. 1.Yokowo supports the TCFD recommendations, and besides formulating and implementing concrete measures to achieve the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from our plants (Scope 1 & 2) by 35% by FY2030, compared to FY2014, we will also be disclosing details of the measures taken, through the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) framework.
  2. 2.Yokowo will continuously and actively promote energy saving, resource conservation, and recycling to contribute to the protection of the global environment.
  3. 3.In respect of chemical substances which are harmful to both the environment and human body, Yokowo will prevent environmental pollution by implementing preventive measures and action plan, which include those for the case of abnormal and emergency operation, and will minimize the use of hazardous chemical substances.
  4. 4.Yokowo will comply with all relevant environmental laws, regulations, and each customer's specific requirements, and intend to enhance our environmental management by our original internal standards.
  5. 5.Yokowo will set objectives and goals for our environmental activities and improve our environmental management system continuously by periodically reviewing the objectives and goals.
  6. 6.Through in-house education and publicity, Yokowo will promote all the employees' recognition of involvement in environmental preservation and will make these activities take root as daily duties.
  7. 7.Yokowo ensures that all the employees including those of affiliated companies are fully aware of the environmental policies, and will disclose them to the public on request.
  8. 8.Yokowo will contribute to the development of a sustainable society by considering the impact on biodiversity in all its business activities.

Enacted: June 1, 2005
Revised: October 15, 2021

Environmental Management System

The Yokowo Group is promoting environmental management in collaboration with its group companies, and has established the following framework. The Sustainability Committee clarifies Yokowo Group's basic stance on issues such as climate change and human rights protection, and takes a leading role in promoting company-wide sustainability activities. On the other hand, the Environmental Committee is promoting qualitative improvement of the group's environmental measures through the PDCA cycle of the environmental management system.

Environmental Management System

Status of Environmental Management System Certification

The Yokowo Group has constructed an Environmental Management System in a bid to preserve the environment and to prevent pollution. Its individual production bases have been certified with ISO 14001. The environmental management committees at individual plants take the initiative in ISO-compliant environmental activities. They define the purposes and set the goals so that Yokowo personnel will strive to fulfill them in their respective workplaces.

ISO 14001 acquisition Unit FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Included range
Certification rate
(Targets are production bases)
75 75 75 57 57 Consolidated

*Reference: ISO Certification Acquisitions


The Yokowo Group has set targets for the following items and is working towards achieving them.

Climate Change Response
The Yokowo Group has set itself a target of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1 & 2) by 35% by FY2030, compared to FY2014, in pursuit of the achievement of carbon neutrality by 2050. Going forward, the Yokowo Group will continue to accelerate initiatives for achievement of the target, focusing on areas such as expansion in the share of electricity generated from renewable energy, reduction of energy intensity, introduction of renewable energy self-consumption systems, and green energy procurement, and the Group will also put more effort into reducing Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions.
Management of Water Resources
Of the water used within the Yokowo Group, the majority is for domestic-type uses. We are working to achieve our goal of a year-on-year 1% reduction in water consumption, measured by per unit of sales.
Waste Reduction / Resource Recycling
As well as promoting a reduction in the quantities of waste generated by our business activities, the Yokowo Group has also set a recycling rate of at least 80% as a target.
Hazardous Chemical Substance Management
At the Yokowo Group, we have identified substances to manage ourselves based on the environmental regulations of Europe. We have clarified our targets of discontinuing or reducing use of hazardous chemical substances.


GHG Emissions and Emission Factor
GHG Emissions
(Unit : t-CO2)
FY2014 (Results) FY2023 (Results) FY2030 (Target)
Scope1 402 807 35% reduction from FY 2014
Scope2 18,009 21,824
Scope3 124,206
Total emissions
18,411 22,631
Water Usage and Usage Rates
Unit FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Included range
Water intake volume m3 344,632 283,178 260,179 273,845 303,600 Consolidated
Municipal water supply
(or from other water supply facilities)
m3 344,632 283,178 260,179 273,845 303,600 Consolidated
Fresh water and surface water
(lakes, rivers, etc.)
m3 - - - - - Consolidated
Freshwater and groundwater m3 - - - - - Consolidated
Comparative water resource intensity
(Baseline: FY2020)
% 20 0 -18 -26 -16 Consolidated
Quantity of Waste and Recycling Rate
Unit FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Included range
Total emissions volume t 1,250 1,056 1,430 1,500 1,665 Consolidated
Recycled volume*1 t 743 920 1,219 1,057 1,230 Consolidated
Recycling rate % 59 87 85 70 74 Consolidated
Hazardous waste volume*2 t 84.1 61.3 61.5 48.9 76.6 Consolidated
Final disposal volume*3 t 508 136 212 443 435 Consolidated
"Comparative waste intensity (Baseline: FY2020) % 17 0 21 9 24 Consolidated


  • *1. Recycled volume refers to the amount other than landfill disposal.
  • *2. Hazardous waste volume refers to specially controlled industrial waste in Japan.
  • *3. Final disposal volume refers to the volume of landfill waste (0 emissions achieved in Japan).

Major Initiatives

Activities towards Achieving a Sustainable Society
Having begun operations in April 2022, YOKOWO MANUFACTURING OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC, volunteered to plant 500 saplings in cooperation with local industrial parks and authorities, aimed at protecting and preserving the environment.
  • Volunteer Tree Planting Activities
  • Volunteer Tree Planting Activities