Yokowo Co., Ltd.


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Yokowo's Sustainability

The Yokowo Group considers it important to accurately and promptly disclose its ESG efforts in corporate activities and information on sustainability activities as well as its medium- to long-term growth strategies, and published an Integrated Report in 2020.
The Integrated Report describes the connection between the Group's business activities and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and an overview of what Yokowo will look like 10 years from now.
Underlying this is my desire to make Yokowo a good company.

Since being appointed as President in 2007, I have constantly conveyed my desire to create a good company to our employees within Japan and overseas. As I wrote in Integrated Report, I think that a good company is:

  1. ・A company about which customers say, “It was good that we have conducted business with Yokowo. We will expand our business relationship with Yokowo.”
  2. ・A company about which contractors say, “It was good that we performed business operations for Yokowo. We will work harder to contribute more.”
    And a company about which local communities say, “Iʼm glad Yokowo is in our town. Iʼd be very happy for my children to join Yokowo.”
  3. ・A company where the employees of the Yokowo Group think, “I am very satisfied with to be working for this company. I will work harder to make it an even better company.”
I think that a company such as that is truly a good company.
To make Yokowo a good company, we should ensure that the officers and employees of the Yokowo Group within Japan and overseas regardless of nationality, gender and other differences, are content and fulfilled in their work, and have a foundation of reliability and trust.
Through the continuing evolution of our technology, we will continue to offer quality products and services to improve customer satisfaction.
We will contribute to local communities which we rely on to ensure that we are welcomed by them and to bring satisfaction to our neighbors.
As a member of the global society, we will contribute to solving climate change and other issues to preserve the natural environment that sustains lives of people around the world, including our stakeholders.
Based on the above, we will identify material issues (materiality) and incessantly strengthen our specific measures to tackle them as well as our drive or structure to carry them out.

We will enhance our structure for sustainability from this point of view. We have announced our support for the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) recommendations, which serve as an international standard for advanced businesses. In addition, we have formulated specific measures for meeting a target of reducing Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2 emissions from our plants by 35% from the fiscal 2014 level in fiscal 2030. We will energetically carry them out and disclosure their details and the state of progress in the CDP framework.
We will also put more effort into reducing Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions.